How the Funny Guy Makes it Out Alive

From joking about his predicament to telling NASA to f@#k off, Mark Watney has used humor to keep his mind in his control. Laughter can lead to so much more than bitterness. Having a positive outlook on the stituation kept Mark going so many times. HAB blows up because you’re breathing? No problem, just laugh it off and wince the pain away. Watney’s humor kept his mind on track and continued to drive his motivation. Without any motivation or positive moral, Mark might have just decided to take that lethal dosage of morphine. Being the funny guy made it easier for Mark to cope with all the dark and sullen situation in which he was put in. The Martian is the title of the book. It’s also a joke about Marks predicament. Andy Weir himself had some fun with it. Humor saved Mark Watney just as much as potatoes helped him. So the next time your friend makes a funny comment that could be a little childish or that someone tries to cheer up a crowd let it happen. Morale is an important part of survival. Without morale there isn’t even going be a need for survival. Signing out from my cell phone remember to have a bright outlook on life. And quoting a Mark Watney himself


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