Lost In Space
When you first start reading the book, you find out that Mark Watney has been stranded on Mars. We start to find out bits and pieces that happened and come to the conclusion that it was all one big accident. The question is, did the crew do the right thing by leaving him behind? The way the story was told, Mark seemed to understand that they couldn't do anything. The crew did not know if he was alive or not and did not have the time to go out on a search and rescue. An alternate choice would be to go out and look for him, but doing that the crew could have been hurt, or the spacecraft could have been damaged by the high winds they were experiences. They were also told that if anything were to happen to any of them they were to leave them there. They would not be able to take back the “unneeded” weight, even if it was one of them. As the story goes on, Mark seems to understand why they did it. On the first page, he said that he didn’t die on the trip, and that the others thought he did, and that he didn’t blame them. Mark was understanding about the situation, so I don’t blame the crew for abandoning the search mission and leaving because when it comes down to it if I was in there placed I probably would have left too.
Amber Crook
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