The Martian - Podcast People

This podcast entails on what we as a group think NASA would have really done in the case of leaving someone on Mars. We cover if what they did was even possible, explore the monetary aspect of it, and tie in our service learning projects as well. Thank you for listening.


Writers: Selena and Ben

Editor: Liam

Talkers: Mark, Derek, and Gyun


  1. First, I’d like to make for certain that the production of this group’s podcast was undoubtedly great. The introductions were very professional and came across clean and refined. The music in the background adds another layer of interest and I found that it really made the podcast more original. My group didn’t think about doing this but I wish that we had because I find that it distracts from minor pauses or hiccups in the speech. Aside from this, I appreciated that the podcast was so structured, although at some point I did find it to be too structured. This might just be my personal preference being that I gravitate more towards more relaxed and conversational podcasts rather than ones with intense structure. I say that I appreciated the structure because I think I would find it very hard to get my point across convincingly if my group had made our podcast so scripted. Aside from this, the structure was good because I’m sure it helped get the groups points across very effectively. I found that their points were very precise and no one seemed to ramble, which is a great feat in a podcast. On top of this, I appreciated that the group provided more questions and added variables to the discussion. Overall, I really enjoyed the podcast, the ideas that were shared and the way in which they were shared.

  2. First and foremost I feel that this group did a wonderful job in conducting themselves during the podcast. I felt that the information discussed in the podcast was interesting and made me listen in closer. I like that this group turned their podcast into a conversation between three people instead of having everyone talk and constantly repeat what has already been said. This group asked some questions that my group did not think to talk about which was also interesting to listen to. I thought that the content of the podcast was excellent. The music in the background, however, made it difficult for me to focus on what was being said specifically in the beginning. I did like that the music was there in order to cover up any pauses but I felt as though it should have been slightly quieter for my personal preference. I did appreciate that the group members introduced themselves. The group that I was in did not introduce who was speaking because we felt that other groups in our F.Y.E. would know us by our voices. Another area that could have been worked on is that there are a couple times during the podcast that the listener can hear voices whispering and laughing in the background. There was also a small section where I could hear other students traveling to their next class. Overall I believe this group did an amazing job with content, editing, and presentation.

  3. The editing for this podcast is done very well. The soft music in the background the entire time helps distract from small pauses and little mistakes that might be a little more evident to the listeners if there was no music. Also, the intro and outro music are a great way to begin and end a podcast; I wish my group had did something like that to improve the podcast. The questions that are addressed in this podcast are very interesting to me because there are no true right or wrong answers and to hear their explanation on why they are answering these questions the way they are very interesting and keep me intrigued. The podcast is very structured and laid out and it is very obvious. It sounds like they are reading from a script for every point they are making. I believe that this can be good and bad. My personal preference is a podcast that flows with natural thoughts and isn’t very scripted. I think this podcast could improve upon not being so scripted and just letting their natural thought flow even if that means they have to edit out mess ups in the podcast. On the other hand, when they have a script they know exactly what they want to say and I know that takes a while to get that prepared. Overall, this podcast is very good and I enjoyed listening to it.

  4. This group really sets the tone right off the bat with their intro music. I liked that they kept the introductions cool and formal. It really brought me into the podcast and helped me relax. The music in the background adds an intriguing aspect that adds to the relaxed demeanor of the podcast. My group was unable to add music to our podcast, but I wish we had figured it out because it covers up awkward pauses and soft background noises. I cannot stress how much I love the relaxed feel I get from the group while listening. They flowed into their answers and transitioned to the next questions with such ease and grace. When you get too scripted or structured with something like this, you lose the interest of your audience. You need to keep it loose and fun like these guys did. LOVE the socratic seminar feel. It is so much easier for the members to bounce off of each others ideas in this setting. I found their ideas very clear and precise, and no one droned on and on like I felt in my group. This was a solid podcast if you ask me. I would give it an A+. Thank you for sharing! You did a great job!

  5. From the start, this sounded like a high quality podcast. A podcast is supposed to be almost like a conversation. Not like a presentation mood of a TED talk. I loved how you guys kept this is as a long discussion/conversation. The focus to the topics throughout the podcast was great. I loved how you guys were relaxed and just spoke what sounded straight from the mind. All the good podcasts I've heard are usually just natural flow of the mind. Getting those little side conversations that are relevant to the topic make it so much more interesting. As to the editing, amazing job to your group. The music in the background made for a good white noise. The information spoken throughout is great, but having that background music in the back makes me personally want to focus on the speech more since it is louder and be made more important. Overall, amazing job on your podcast guys!

  6. I think the “Podcast People” did a great job of grabbing the audience’s attention with a use of music. The introduction music to the podcast was in your face and really pulls the listeners in. The music through the rest of the podcast was mellow and did not take away from the speakers. The background music also filled in the otherwise awkward pauses. One thing that I noticed about this group’s podcast compared to podcast that my group created was that there was little conversation and it seemed scripted rather than containing organic dialogue. I do not necessarily view this as a bad thing, simply a difference in style that I noticed between the two groups. The editing of sound quality of this group was very well done. This group did a good job of delegating which students in the group would do the background work and which students would actually be speaking in the podcast itself. As far as an area of improvement for this group goes, I would recommend more conversation rather than simply reading. This is a personal opinion because the podcasts I tend to listen to are more talk show/conversational. I also want to note that Derek Rosello has the voice of an angel, and if he were to voice an audio book, I would listen to it on repeat.

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  8. After listening to “The Martian – Podcast People”, I realized the difference that strong editing skills. The introductory and closing music started and finished the podcast in the same way. I am unaware of whether or not this group edited out sections of their recording that did not fit well, but the podcast flowed great, and the speakers bounced ideas off of one another well. I would have liked Derek to speak for himself rather than having to hear someone introduce him again to hear his ideas. The podcast was free of distractions with the exception of one segment of laughing towards the beginning. This group used subtle background music to enhance the audio and my interest in the podcast, and might have helped cover up other background distractions! The speakers in this group conducted themselves well throughout the podcast, spoke clearly, and stayed on topic to what they were discussing. Their podcast was also perfect in length to listen and didn’t seem to drag on too long. Had the speakers been monotone with their answers, it would’ve made the podcast less enjoyable than it was. Overall, I think this podcast fit the bill of what the project was asking us to do.


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